
Based in Bronte, Sicily a town with a rich historical connection to pistachios, LongTrade is a small family-owned company with over 15 years experience in the food industry.

Since our move into brokering, we have built up a network of trusted suppliers which we work with to provide our customers with a flexible and dedicated service, catering to their specific needs.

We pride ourselves on our knowledge of global markets, combined with an expertise in the products we deal with, which gives us the ability to deliver a customisable and reliable service to our customers.

From sourcing to shipping to quality control, we handle everything to allow our customers peace of mind and flexibility.

Although we specialize in pistachios, and can source any grade or quality required, we can also supply other nuts and dried fruit depending on our customers needs.

For a full list of our products, please see the ‘Products’ page.
We can arrange either cost and freight or DDP and our expert knowledge of the market ensures that we offer the most competitive prices.

We work with suppliers from countries including Turkey, Iran, Greece, Spain, Sicily, Italy, USA and Australia,  and it’s this diversity which allows us to provide the perfect product for our customers every time.


I pistacchi, i quali si pensa siano nativi dell’Iran, sono stati menzionati nel vecchio Testamento e i loro alberi si dice che sono stati piantati nei Hanging Gardens di Babilonia nel 700 a.C.

La prova di strumenti di sgusciatura, utilizzati per rompere i pistacchi, è stata scoperta in Israele e si pensa che risale a 78.000 anni fa.Iran, Turchia e USA sono i maggiori produttori di questo frutto, il quale contiene molto ferro e potassio.

I pistacchi sono comunemente consumati freschi, secchi,  tostati o salati, oppure sottoforma di burro, olio, pasta o utilizzato in altre ricette.

Origini disponibile:

  • Turchia disponibili tutte le varietà
  • Iran in guscio e sgusciato
  • California in guscio e sgusciato
  • Grecia in guscio e sgusciato
  • Spagna, in guscio e sgusciato, convenzionale e biologico.


Almonds have been found in Turkish and Greek Bronze age sites dating from 3100 – 1100 BC, they are one of two nuts mentioned in the Bible and were also found in Tutankhamum’s tomb (c. 1325 BC).

They are harvested between early August and late September and are closely related to peaches, plums and apricots. Almonds are nutritionally dense, with a high Vitamin E and calcium content. .

The U.S is the largest producer of this nut, which can be eaten raw or toasted, or used to make flour, butter, milk, paste and in confectionaries.

Available varieties:

  • Sicily – Tuono
  • Spain – Valencias, Guaras
  • Puglia – Filipo Cea
  • California – Nonpareil, Carmel, Butte


Hazelnuts are also known as Philberts due to them being harvested around the time of St. Philberts Day – the 22nd August. Hazelnut trees grow to a height of 7m and drop their leaves and nuts when they are ready to be harvested – therefore most growers allow them to drop on their own rather than using machinery.

Mass harvesting of hazelnuts, which are rich in calcium, Vitamin E and magnesium, is thought to date back 9000 years, to Scotland.

Turkey is the largest producer of this nut, which has a high fat content and can be eaten fresh or dried or used in confectionary, praline, truffles, oil and paste products.

Available origin:

  • Siciliy
  • Turkey
  • Georgia

Quinoa (Chenopodium)

Grown in South America (Peru, Chile and Bolivia) for thousands of years, Quinoa is non-GMO, gluten-free and usually grown organically.

Quinoa belongs to the same family as the sugar beet and spinach. It is a useful little plant. Its leaves can be eaten like spinach but its seeds can also be used in the same way as grain. It technically isn’t a cereal grain, but a pseudo-cereal (non-grassy plant used in much the same way as cereals and grains with a similar nutritional profile).

Although there are hundreds of cultivated types of quinoa, the most common versions available in stores are white, red, and black quinoa used as grains or transformed into flour and flakes.

Quinoa is high in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, which make it potentially beneficial for human health in the prevention and treatment of disease. Quinoa contains small amounts of the heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids and has a higher content of monounsaturated fat.

As a complete protein, quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids. Naturally high in dietary fibre, quinoa is a slowly digested carbohydrate.
For this reason, it is recommended to consume 48 grams of whole grains per day.

In the last few years, Quinoa has become very trendy among health conscious people.

Available varieties:

  • White, red and black Quinoa, conventional and organic;
  • Quiona meal;
  • Flakes Quinoa conventional and organic.